ICYMI: Senator Marshall Joins Fox Business’ Varney & Co. Blasting Democrats Lack Of Priority To Secure Americans Safety

New York City, NY – U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. joined Varney & Co on Fox Business to discuss prioritizing Americans safety and the immediate need to secure our southern border. 


You may click HERE or on the image above to watch Senator Marshall’s full interview.

Highlights from Senator Marshall’s interview include:

On securing the southern border:

“Isn’t it ironic that we have to beg the White House to secure our own border. I think that’s what the irony here is. The President wants funding for Ukraine. Republicans want to secure the border, it’s my number one priority right now.”

“From the policy standpoint, we need to change the asylum rules and go back to remain in Mexico. If you pass through a third country, you can’t come into this country asking for asylum, that policy alone would impact up to 3/4 of the number of encounters at the border.”

“This is why FBI Director Wray was on Capitol Hill this week saying all the lights are blinking, that he’s never seen a situation like this, where he’s so concerned about a possible terrorist event.”

“What we have to do is turn off this magnet that Joe Biden has created. He’s given everybody asylum, he’s given everybody parole. But at some point in time, we have to turn off the magnet, we got a huge problem here that Joe Biden’s created. It’ll be tough.”

“By the way, they’re consuming about $500 billion a year of taxpayer dollars, just to take care of this huge number of migrants that are in this country illegally.”

On Senator Marshall’s endorsement of President Trump:

“Well, I think though, here we have President Trump 50-60 points ahead in every poll, and the people, the Republicans have made their choice already. It’s time to set both barrels on target at Joe Biden, and focus on him. You’ll look again, there’s 10 million reasons why people should vote for President Trump, those 10 million people that have crossed the border illegally, I think is a great place to start.”

“I think the smoking gun, though, is that through these SARS reports, the suspicious activity reports following that money trail from one of hundreds, puppet companies sending it to the big guy that could Comer released a report on Monday showing that indeed, this monthly payment going to the big guy. Indeed, there appears to be the Biden crime operation going on.”

“I think the people that are controlling the puppet strings in the White House and his family like this power and control that they do have, and by the way, we want him to be the candidate. So let’s not push him out too soon here. We want Joe Biden on that ticket.”

“And this is not going to change until we get a new person in the White House. When we have a person in the White House that the rest of the world, like him or not, the rest of the world has to respect this person. And right now Joe Biden, Vice President Harris, they do not have the respect of the rest of the world. There’s no red line.”
