ICYMI: Senator Marshall Reacts to Historic Border Numbers Released on Fox Business 

Washington, D.C.- U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. joined Fox Business to discuss the newly released November 2023 Customs and Border Patrol border numbers, marking another historic month of record-setting encounters under Joe Biden’s failed leadership. 

You may click HERE or on the image above to watch Senator Marshall’s full interview.

Highlights from Senator Marshall’s interview include:

On Record-Breaking Border Numbers:

“What I would do is contrast what Bill Melugin has talked about there versus KJP’s [White House Press Secretary Karin Jean-Pierre] press conference yesterday when she said, look, there’s nothing unusual going on, nothing to be worried about. Never mind the 300 people that are dying every day from fentanyl poisoning. Never mind the humanitarian crisis that we’re seeing at the border. The president keeps going back to saying we’ve had an immigration problem for decades, which is true, but we’ve not had a border security issue for decades. As a matter of fact, when he was sworn in the White House, our border was secure. It was sovereign.

“That’s what Americans’ concerns are today: is we don’t have a secure border, and it threatens their livelihood, it threatens their well-being as well. This is a national security issue. And Joe Biden refuses to take any accountability… despite record numbers you’re talking about.”

On Joe Biden’s Border Policies: 

“This week, we’ve had 10,000 in one day, 11,000 the next day, 12,000 the next day. November, September, October, all of these are record-setting months… And again, Joe Biden refuses to take responsibility, because, to your point, policies can make a big difference.”

“If we would simply change some policies, we can eliminate maybe 75 percent of the encounters that are going there, Joe Biden turned the beacon on way back during the presidential debate, saying, ‘Come everybody,’ we’re gonna give you free food, free health care, you won’t have to even work for it. And sure enough, those people are still coming. He’s got to turn off the Joe Biden bat signal.”

On the Senate not taking up border security:

“Why does Congress have to beg the President of the United States to secure the border, I thought that was his job. But instead, he does just the opposite.”

“He’s doing everything in his power to increase the number, to increase the number of people asking for asylum, he’s paroled 1.7 million people. To your point about dealing with Congress, there’s been no significant interaction. And that’s because he does not want to solve this problem.” 

“He’s going to talk about it, he’s going to nip at the edges, but he’s not willing to even address this asylum issue or the parole issue. They won’t even talk about it from the White House.” 

“The way it’s happening right now we can only handle about 1000 per day, we’re having 10,000 per day, again, 17 people on the known terrorist watch list last month have crossed into our border, it is mind-numbing…”

On China taking advantage of Biden’s open border:

“You know, they absolutely are. They’re setting up their own Chinese police forces, we know that. But they’re also involved in collecting the money at the end of the fentanyl chain. So, they make the precursors in China, and they give it to the cartel. The cartel has put stations all across the state of Kansas, all across America, the cartel sells it, and then we have Chinese nationals here in the country to take that money… Not to mention they’re in our research centers stealing our intellectual property.”

On Israel Standalone Funding: 

“Well, we’ve given the Democrat senators four opportunities now to fund Israel by itself for a standalone Israel vote, and they voted it down all four times. So obviously, that’s not their priority. Their priority remains Ukraine.” 
