Sen. Marshall Announces Grant for University of Kansas to Help Fight Alzheimer’s Disease

(Lawrence, KS, January 21, 2021) – Today, U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D., announced that the Department of Health and Human Services has awarded a nearly $200,000 grant for the University of Kansas to help research and fight Alzheimer’s disease.

“Alzheimer’s is a degenerative neurological disease affecting approximately 54,000 Kansans – it deteriorates the mind and devastates families and their loved ones. We need groundbreaking treatments. We need a cure,” said Senator Marshall. “I believe in the power of American innovation, and I know that our medical researchers will someday have the answers to this debilitating disease. I’m pleased my alma mater is receiving this critical funding to help research and combat Alzheimer’s.”


It is estimated that Alzheimer’s and other dementias will kill 1 in 3 seniors, and kills more than breast cancer and prostate cancer combined. In addition to the emotional and physical toll is has on affected Americans, it costs the economy $305 billion. Without groundbreaking therapies, by 2050, the costs are expected to rise as high as $1.1 trillion.  

Since joining Congress, Senator Marshall has prioritized robust federal funding at the National Institutes of Health to help spur innovation, as well as federal grant funding for Kansas to educate family members, businesses, and community members on assisting Alzheimer’s patients. As a strong supporter of the Palliative Care and Hospice Education and Training Act, Dr. Marshall seeks to improve the training of health professionals in palliative care, increase the size of this workforce, and enhance research in this field to build best practices.

This $189,375 grant specifically will help the University of Kansas target how the energy maker of our cells – mitochondria – can be applied to Alzheimer’s disease.  The University of Kansas Alzheimer’s Disease Center has done previous work in studying mitochondria dysfunction – how it plays a role in the loss of brain function, and if and how treatments could be developed by targeting it.

