- July 29, 2022
Sen. Marshall Continues to Stand Up for Unvaccinated Servicemembers
Senator Objects to DOD Nominee who supports COVID Vaccine Mandate
(Kansas City, KS, July 29, 2022) – U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. continued his fight to prevent servicemembers from being mandated to take the COVID vaccine during a floor speech where he objected to a Department of Defense (DOD) nominee due to his support of Joe Biden’s irrational and now foolish vaccine mandate for our military. Recently the Army cut roughly 60,000 National Guard and Reserves members from pay and benefits for refusing to take the COVID vaccine at the beginning of July, even as more than 30% of its recruitment slots sat unfilled. While you may click HERE or on the image below to watch his objection, Senator Marshall said in part,
“…It is time for this administration to do what is morally right and patriotic, what is decent and sensible, and prudent for the readiness of our military and drop this vaccine mandate. Further, the Defense Department should reinstate those service members who have been expelled for this reason, return them to their previous positions, and provide back pay for time missed…”

In December 2021, Senator Marshall’s legislation to prevent service members from receiving a dishonorable discharge for choosing to not get the COVID vaccine was signed into law by President Joe Biden as part of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). You may click HERE or on the image below to watch a highlight video of Senator Marshall’s fight against dishonorable discharges for service members who choose to not get the COVID vaccine:
The COVID-19 Vaccine Dishonorable Discharge Prevention Act was introduced by Senator Marshall on the heels of President Biden mandating millions of Americans to get vaccinated and the DoD issuing guidance stating that soldiers who refuse the vaccine will face “administrative or non-judicial punishment [under UCMJ] – to include relief of duties or discharge.”
Soon after introduction of the bill, the White House announced opposition to the Senators’ legislation and in turn doubled down in their support to give service members a dishonorable discharge for refusing the COVID vaccine. As such, Senator Marshall offered his legislation as an amendment to the NDAA.
Dishonorably discharged U.S. service members surrender the following rights and benefits:
- Ownership of any sort of firearm or ammunition
- Access to the GI Bill for further education
- VA home loans
- VA medical benefits
- Military Funeral Honors
- Re-enlistment in another military branch
Senator Marshall penned an op-ed for FOX News on his legislation. You may click HERE to read it. You may also click HERE or on the image below to watch Senator Marshall’s press conference on his legislation.
Earlier this year, Senators Marshall spearheaded a letter with his colleagues asking Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin to provide information on the number and nature of military discharges for not receiving a COVID vaccine. Reports at the time showed that more than 1,700 servicemembers have been discharged for their COVID vaccination status and many are being denied retirement or other service benefits as a result. The Senators said in part,
“While we are deeply troubled that the Department of Defense (DOD) is discharging U.S. military personnel as a result of their COVID-19 vaccination status, we are outraged that these brave men and women are potentially being stripped of various benefits, including education benefits afforded to them under the G.I. Bill. Whatever disagreements public officials of varying ideologies and political parties may have, we can and should agree on the importance of ensuring the promises made to members of our Armed Forces are fulfilled.”
In June, Senator Marshall announced support for two bills to protect Americans attending our nation’s service academies who choose not to get vaccinated against COVID-19. The bills came on the heels of the U.S. Air Force Academy announcing unvaccinated graduates would not be commissioned. Cadets and midshipmen who do not commission could be forced to repay tuition, room, and board expenses for their time at the Academy.
The Defending Freedom of Conscience for Cadets and Midshipman Act of 2022 would protect cadets and midshipmen at the U.S. Air Force Academy (USAFA), U.S. Naval Academy, U.S. Military Academy, U.S. Coast Guard Academy, and U.S. Merchant Marine Academy from being punished for their choice to not receive the COVID-19 vaccine.
The Allowing Military Exemptions, Recognizing Individual Concerns About New Shots (AMERICANS) Act of 2022 would counter the Biden Administration’s efforts to coerce and punish active duty service members who decline the COVID-19 vaccine, and introduce accountability measures in response to U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) efforts to undermine transparency.
Full Remarks of Senator Marshall’s Objection:
I rise in objection to this nominee due to his support of Joe Biden’s irrational and now foolish vaccine mandate for our military.
Last August, the Biden Administration imposed a COVID-19 vaccine mandate across the entire military. This led to the expulsion of thousands of qualified service members who elected not to receive the vaccine. This DOD mandate failed to account for immunity to the virus many troops gained through natural infection, which we have known is equal to or greater than the effectiveness of the vaccine. The mandate also failed to account for the fact that these men and women are our bravest and healthiest Americans.
Recently we learned the Army cut roughly 60,000 National Guard and Reserves members from pay and benefits for refusing to take the COVID vaccine at the beginning of July, even as more than 30% of its recruitment slots sat unfilled.
The recruiting crisis has gotten so bad that the Army is now placing enlistees who exceed body fat standards into a dietary and exercise program in order to lose weight. This manpower shortage could result in undermanned units and potentially longer deployments, as well as greater dependence on National Guardsmen to meet mission goals.
And yet the ideologues in charge in this administration refuse to drop the vaccine mandate for the military. There is no longer any rational basis to persist in this demand other than it is a deliberate campaign to punish dissenting opinions and oppress political enemies. The Department also appears to be going out of its way to deny religious accommodations for our troops. More than 24,000 members across the branches have submitted religious-accommodation requests. Almost all have been rejected. The Air Force approved fewer than 130 of more than 9,000 religious requests submitted by airmen.
It is time for this administration to do what is morally right and patriotic, what is decent and sensible, and prudent for the readiness of our military and drop this vaccine mandate. Further, the Defense Department should reinstate those service members who have been expelled for this reason, return them to their previous positions, and provide back pay for time missed.
But until they do so, I will continue to object to this nominee.