Senator Marshall Joins Faulkner Focus: If You Vote To Block Mayorkas’ Impeachment Trial You’re Telling Laken Riley’s Family: We Don’t Care About You.

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. joined Faulkner Focus on Fox News to discuss the arrest of more than 50 anti-Israel protestors on capitol grounds, as well as President Biden’s meeting with Japan’s Prime Minister today. Senator Marshall recently met with the Japanese Prime Minister to discuss the growing threat China poses to their national and economic security. Senator Marshall, a member of the Homeland Security Committee, also discussed Sec. Mayorkas’ impeachment articles coming to the Senate next week, and the constitutional responsibility Democrat Senate Leadership has to hold his impeachment trial.  

You may click HERE or on the image above to watch Senator Marshall’s full interview.

Highlights from Senator Marshall’s interview include: 

On the Latest in the War Between Israel and the Hamas Terrorist Organization: 

“Israel’s always been a great friend to the United States. I think people are underestimating how much they’ve contributed to our safety and security as well with their intelligence. Want to remind folks that the blood of every person in Gaza is on the hands of Hamas who broke this ceasefire, who started this war. That’s where the blood is.”

“The United States needs to stand firm beside the folks of Israel. And I know it’s tough times right now, I’m reminded of what President Eisenhower said, that ‘I hate war as only a soldier who’s lived it can, who’s seen all its brutality and futility.’ Look, war is never pretty. But this is a war that was graded by Hamas.”

“As long as they[Hamas] have any type of organizational skills, as long as they have assets from Iran, as long as Iran is feeding them weapons, they are going to continue to seek to destroy Israel and destroy America as well.”

On President Biden meeting with the Japanese Prime Minister Today:

“In a world where there’s threats of wars, Japan brings us certainty. Japan has been a great partner to the United States. Really, in all honesty for the past 30 or 40 years, I think you’d be hard pressed to find a better partner than Japan has been. And it’s not just the words, it’s their actions, they are doubling their military expenditures right now that they are committed to defensive retaliatory weapons. They’re the home base for our largest naval fleet, as well, and in many ways, support our military forces there. They’ve been a great partner, they help financially support our military there as well.”

“I think it should be focused on what Japan has going on and focus on this incredible relationship. $300 billion of trade, we have a wonderful opportunity in space that they’re helping us with. They’re building the lunar module. From the Kansas standpoint, we’ve had increased exports of beef to Japan as well. So there’s so many things to stress. I am glad that the President is acknowledging the Prime Minister’s leadership though I do think that that’s true.”

“It’s interesting to me, Harris, his words were very measured. He said he wanted to confirm our relationship, and hope that the U.S. would demonstrate, confirm and demonstrate – those are two very important words that he’s using there.”

“So he’s saying that look, we’re wondering where the United States is on Indo-China right now. We’re exactly are you Joe Biden? And then what are you going to do to demonstrate your commitment there? Yes, there’s incredible economic opportunities between the two countries. I want to point out that Japan is the largest investor, a nation in our country, they hold the largest amount of our national debt as well. Those are important things to keep in mind. We’re both motivated to keep these trades going and keep the seas open all those things.”

On the anticipation of Mayorkas impeachment articles coming to the Senate:

“What your listeners need to understand is that Chuck Schumer, this is such a toxic subject for them, that Chuck Schumer’s not going to allow an impeachment trial. So as soon as these hit and he gets us all sworn in, he’s going to table the motion, the first time in the Senate history that we’re not going to proceed with an impeachment trial after getting the impeachment orders to proceed with.”

“I think that what we want to do is highlight exactly the crisis at the border and you brought that up, you know, numerous times 11 million illegal crossings under Joe Biden’s watch, we want there to be an impeachment trial. Ultimately, Americans get the final choice, though in November. Elections do have consequences.”

“There’s not a state out there now that’s not a border state. We’re all feeling the crunch. Right now, everyone knows someone who died from fentanyl poisoning. And if you vote no, if you vote to table this, that’s telling Laken Riley’s family, we don’t care about you. We don’t care about her loss of life. 250,000 Americans have died from fentanyl poisoning. If we don’t have this impeachment trial that is telling them that we don’t care.”
