Senator Marshall Leads Efforts to Declare an Invasion at the Southern Border on Senate Floor

Washington, D.C. –U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. went to the Senate Floor demanding the immediate passage of his resolution declaring an invasion at the southern border. Senator Marshall has been leading this resolution for years. Amidst the administration’s attacks on Texas Governor Abbott for prioritizing Texans’ safety, they brought this resolution to the floor and called for its immediate passage through unanimous consent. Democrats blocked the measure from passage, citing this invasion declaration would allow ‘cruelty and lawlessness’ to erupt. 

Senator Marshall was joined on the floor by Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) in support of his efforts. This resolution would reaffirm states’ Constitutional right to protect themselves from an invasion, which would immediately empower Governors to secure the southern border without interference from the federal government. 

You may click HERE or on the image above to watch Senator Marshall’s full remarks on the Senate Floor.

Highlights from Senator Marshall’s remarks include: 

“Joe Biden has the power to secure our borders. Instead, he has chosen to break the law, resulting in the worst border crisis in American history. Frankly, I don’t know how the president sleeps at night knowing that 300 young Americans will die today from fentanyl poisoning- 300 yesterday, 300 tomorrow, 300,000 people have died from fentanyl poisoning since he took office. And along with that there’s terrorists, Chinese Communist nationals, cartels, and worse are all living in the interior of our country. ”

“Since our Commander in Chief won’t stop this historic crisis, an invasion declaration, as defined by the United States Constitution, allows Congress to recognize each state’s right to secure their own borders, where Joe Biden fails to put Americans safely first, a resolution acknowledges each state’s rights to secure the borders themselves.”

“Everybody up here has sworn an oath to defend that Constitution, members of Congress, the White House, the President, we’ve all sworn an oath to uphold the Constitution. Well, this is what the Constitution says in Article four, Section four, it promises that the federal government and I quote ‘shall protect each state against invasion.’”

“I commend and compliment Operation Lone Star, they’ve come up with more than 35,000 felony charges. They’ve seized over 450 million lethal doses of fentanyl. Again, 450 million lethal doses of fentanyl – enough to kill every man, woman and child in America more than once. And so that’s why I’m here today to lend my support. And my hope that the entire unanimous consent and support of the Senate would be with the governor of Texas and the good people of Texas.”
