- April 26, 2021
Sen. Marshall Addresses Vaccine Hesitancy in Kansas City Star Op-ed
(Washington, D.C., April 26, 2021) – U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. penned an op-ed for the Kansas City Star addressing COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy including how we got to this point and how to change course. The Senator said in part, “…very soon, we will have more COVID-19 vaccines than we have people willing to take it. In fact, almost half of Kansas adults are uncertain about getting vaccinated. Why? Because, like with most information surrounding the virus, politicians and bureaucrats in Washington, D.C., have not been transparent or consistent as they share the science surrounding the vaccine to the American public… Bureaucrats can’t keep us from worshiping, gathering with extended family, traveling near and far with friends and enjoying life mask-free. I hope you’ll join me, along with more than 200 million Americans, in choosing to receive the vaccine so we can throw away our masks and live life as free as we did before.”
You may click HERE or scroll below to read the op-ed in its entirety.
Misinformation and flip-flopping from federal bureaucrats causing vaccine hesitancy
By: U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D.
Kansas City Star
April 26, 2021
As of last week, 37% of Kansans have received one dose and more than 25% have been fully vaccinated. But very soon, we will have more COVID-19 vaccines than we have people willing to take it. In fact, almost half of Kansas adults are uncertain about getting vaccinated. Why? Because, like with most information surrounding the virus, politicians and bureaucrats in Washington, D.C., have not been transparent or consistent as they share the science surrounding the vaccine to the American public.
Federal bureaucrats have changed directions with no meaningful explanation, no endgame in sight and no consistency. Americans want to be talked to honestly and frankly, but these bureaucrats — including Dr. Anthony Fauci — haven’t been up-front with us, and in turn have lost credibility.
The truth is, science on any emerging infectious disease is constantly changing, but federal officials have tried to turn scientific hypotheses into indisputable scripture, adding more confusion and mistrust toward vaccines. While there is plenty of blame to go around on why folks are refusing to get a vaccine — including campaign rhetoric and hyperbole — we have to move to solutions. Here’s what we can do:
First, we have to listen to and respect the concerns of our neighbors. There is a sizable portion of Americans who have expressed deep reservations about getting vaccinated. We need to recognize their freedoms rather than shame them. The beauty of living in this great nation is that we have the option to choose whether we get vaccinated.
Next, we need honesty. American medical innovation is the best in the world at staying the course and finding solutions to our toughest health challenges. Look no further than Operation Warp Speed, which brought us safe and effective vaccines in record time. The process was rigorous and transparent, resulting in a clear path to the eradication of COVID-19. The Food and Drug Administration cut bureaucratic red tape — not corners — and got the job done in record time.
Third, we need an end point. Once you’ve had the vaccine, the morbidity and mortality from this virus is less than the seasonal flu. Surely federal officials don’t want us to wear masks for the seasonal flu, too? It’s time for them to let us go, give states a goalpost and tell us what the bar is going to be for us to lose the masks. We need an incentive for getting our vaccine.
For example, federal bureaucrats can’t keep flip-flopping on percentage rates for herd immunity. In the beginning, officials estimated it to be between 60% and 70% and now the goalpost is 70% to 85%. Americans look at this and wonder if there is ever an end to this lockdown. The worry that we can still get the virus after the vaccine — a less than 5% chance — is not a good argument, because for that rare person who does get the virus after vaccination, few if any even end up in the hospital. Comments about wearing masks post-vaccination are causing enormous hesitancy. Americans declining the vaccine will continue to distrust federal officials until there is an incentive.
Fourth, we need to encourage primary care doctors, nurses and community pharmacists to discuss the vaccine with their patients. Who better to have that conversation than someone who knows their medical history and has their trust? As a physician from Small Town, USA, I’ve given critical advice to my patients facing a number of issues including getting a vaccine for disease prevention. The most respected advice comes from a person’s own primary care doctor or pharmacist, and it’s conversations with them that help Kansans make the best health decisions.
Bureaucrats can’t keep us from worshiping, gathering with extended family, traveling near and far with friends and enjoying life mask-free. I hope you’ll join me, along with more than 200 million Americans, in choosing to receive the vaccine so we can throw away our masks and live life as free as we did before.
Senator Marshall has been outspoken on the issue of vaccine hesitancy:
KSNT: U.S. Senator Roger Marshall pushes for vaccination amid reports of low demand

WIBW: Marshall: We’re not being rewarded for getting vaccine
FOX Business: Dr. Fauci’s COVID ‘Flip-flops’ Spur Vaccine Hesitancy

FOX Business: Kansas senator is ‘pleading’ with constituents to get vaccinated

Hays Post: Marshall: We’re not being rewarded for getting vaccine